
Project RED El Salvador: A Charity Close to Our Hearts


Gloria and Jose have both lived in America for well over 30 years now, but their roots come from their home country of El Salvador. As a result, the well being of El Salvador and its people comes with high value to the Fuentes family. We also understand that with great passion comes the need to educate others about important causes. In doing so, we wanted to take a break from our normal foodie talk and discuss a charity that we hold near and dear, who is doing brilliant humanitarian work and is facilitating higher quality of life for others.

Project RED is a charity that was formed by Kara Wilson with a mission to bring lasting change to forgotten families in need in El Salvador by means of reintegration, education, and development. This is no small undertaking, and as a result, Project RED remains very busy. Some of their work includes:

  • Building homes
  • Providing beds
  • Providing counseling (if necessary)
  • Providing scholarships (when applicable)
  • Facilitating access to medical care

The overarching goal of the charity is to help those who are struggling come out of poverty and to become self sufficient. Essentially, Project RED works with families of children who have been living in orphanages and have been placed in the homes of members of their biological families. They work with both the child and the family – educating and empowering through personal relationships.

Through fate and through mutual connections, Kara and Glenda (Gloria's daughter) became acquaintances, which then led to deeper integration within the Fuentes family. We felt the need to immediately get involved and to help out in multiple ways (more on that in part 2 of this blog series). While there are millions of charities out there with millions of good intentions, Project RED was something we felt was necessary to get behind. In addition to their perseverance to make the lives of many better, we've found something very unique about this charity is that it's very small and still grassroots. It addresses an urgent need, and proceeds are immediately spent to help the children.

Immediate relief for an immediate need. There's a lot of beauty behind that approach.

If you have a moment, please watch the below video and then visit the Project RED website to learn more about Kara and the charity she so graciously and passionately leads. We'll be following up with additional blogs on how we've been involved for those of you who are curious. After all, we're only on this earth for a limited time, and if we can do our part to help in any way, it makes all of the difference in the world.


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