
Happy Mother's Day from Gloria's to You

Mother's Day is a very special day - we've got no doubt in our minds about that. Family's always been something that we value highly, and Gloria herself has always had the joy of being a mother to Nancy and Glenda while building and growing Gloria's from our humble beginnings. 

If it was up to us, the tireless and selfless acts of mothers across the world should be recognized daily. You do so much for us all and deserve our very best. 

Therefore, we just wanted to take a quick moment to wish all of you mothers out there the happiest Mother's Day. 

If you happen to be out and about today and choose to spend your time with friends and family at Gloria's, we will have a special Mother's Day menu that highlights some of our favorite items. We hope you enjoy. 

Again, a very happy Mother's Day to you from all of us here. 


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